Thursday, September 06, 2012

funky chicken...

funky chicken...

don't you just love a brand new HB pencil?

a day of watching presentations...

a day of watching presentations...

I was very good, though; this only materialised during the last one.

Monday, April 16, 2012


... a little robot-mushroom, from the previous desk-doodle, but using the lovely paper app for ipad

...skull-android tree dwelling...

skull-android tree dwelling, finished at last. #firstdaybackafterleave

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

something a little bit different...

something a little bit different...

and I must say that it was quite an internal battle to stop myself from drawing a big juicy worm in the beak...

I guess I felt that'd make it look just a little too twee(t)..