Wednesday, November 17, 2010

yo ho ho ...

yo ho ho ...

i did say that it was an emerging theme, didn't i ?

interestingly, out of the four people sat either side of me at the meeting today two of them were also doodling away (one a car, the other an armchair). i'd like to think that i was at least partly responsible for this blatant wave of unprofessionalism.

...or it could have been the rather dull meeting.

ahoy, me hearties !...

ahoy, me hearties !...

unusually there seems to have been a new theme emerging in the doodles that i produced today. we've not had many pirates before, have we ?

(in fact, only one, here ) from left to right a pirate, a skull'n'crossbones, and a mitochodria (one of my favourite forms of all time).