Monday, May 24, 2010

poor supes...

poor supes...

he appears to be trapped in some sort of confinement bubble. what do we know?

1. the bubble appears to be controlled by the strange, smiley, decapitated-head creatures;

2. the bubble is uncharacteristically impervious to the localised shower of pins that surrounds it (either that or my shading method became a little rococo, and broke the third wall)

3. there appears to be another super-person hanging from a balloon !!!

4. i definitely had too much time on my hands in this meeting.

... i like the bubble though.

(keep on doodling superman, though; ego-problems, anyone?)

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

some underwater scene, it seems...

some underwater scene, it seems...

robot ? check

rocket ? check

tentacles ? check

so predictable i have descended into self parody, it appears.

robot looks a little like a duck, though, i think: and the rocket has those nose-cone fins that we've not seen before 'plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose' as a french bloke once said.

behind you, superman...

behind you, superman...

it was a week or so ago, but i do believe this was a 'phone doodle, with a little highlighter flourish at the end for colour.

is this me?
am i floating along oblivious to something large and threatening behind me?
is it better for me not to turn around in this situation?