Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

plastercene monster battle

plastercene monster battle

..the three-legged alien was a plastercene figure that j and i collaborated on at the weekend.

and so it appears in a monday-morning doodle.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Thursday, July 05, 2007

another spacewalk

another spacewalk

this is one of MANY little doodles, from yesterday's two and a half hour meeting.

my favourite one, i should add - from probably an hour and a half or so into the proceedings.

obviously, by this point, i'd said my various pieces and the mind was starting to wander.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

a circus strongman

a circus strongman

i guess that what we're missing here is a handlebar moustache, and some form of cartoon dumbell.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

and a little crime-fighting team

and a little crime-fighting team were also seen racing across the agenda heading...

no doubt to hep batman and robin with their endeavours down on the apologies line...

floral apologies

floral apologies.

i guess we could imagine our that out heroes, the dynamic duo, are hot on the trail of the eco-warrior poison ivy ?

all i can say is that when the standing agenda item 'health & safety issues' takes longer that a minute i seriously start to lose focus.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Find me on Facebook!

check out the link to the right, snappily entitled 'Find me on Facebook!'.

Join the 'Doodle the world!' facebook group and maybe contribute to the cause !

eyeball space monster

eyeball space monster - thank the lord for my friday meetings !

yup, lots of desk space, a nice pen, and a slow paced meeting allowed me to go off on one a bit with the tentacled eyeball monster that you see to the left.

...and i managed to upset at least one person into the bargain, too.

job well done, i'd say !

Thursday, June 21, 2007

a 3D pacman ghost

a 3D pacman ghost, or something.

and some kinda geometric arrow pattern, thrown in for good measure.

Fingers crossed for a productive friday meeting !

Saturday, June 16, 2007

a monkey in a pond

a monkey in a pond.

the story behind this is that j had asked me to draw him a curious george when i was at work (he likes to review my output on a friday evening).

he wasn't too impressed, to be honest. but he doesn't pull any punches when reviewing our stuff.

Friday, June 15, 2007

a cross between an octopus and the cookie monster

a cross between an octopus and the cookie monster.

which i like.

from the vaults

from the vaults, this one.

a window on my past, and also proof positive that i've always been a doodling fool.

in actual fact this is a window into my world mid-2001, when i was desperately studying for professional exams.

thank goodness that's in the past!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

a rather overborne office guy in a tie

a rather overborne office guy in a tie... which of course must be me.

...and whilst i'm enduring this rather formal meeting i'm thinking how dull it is, and how the inability of the person speaking to be concise in what she says is causing me to miss my appointment for another meeting - which will be fairly pointless, and indeed, as time passes by, a second meeting is missed - which was destined to be rather futile.

i guess this must be my self-piteous self image for the day...

except for the tie.

i don't do ties.

a suicidal robot

a suicidal robot, or just one with slight vertigo... either way he appears uneasy.

so what actually happened was that the 10:30am lasted until 12:45, at which point i'd managed - rather impressively given the close proximity and formality of the gathering - to scribble down a few things which i quite like.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

low-flying superhero

low-flying superhero !

a new, much thicker, biro seems to be driving me to bigger doodles. not sure i like the larger canvas, though.

i'll try to get back on track with producing these things, but it's hectic at the moment - tomorrow is a 10:30, an 11:30, and a 12:30 with little or no prospect of any margins to fill. ho hum.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

some abstract doodles

some abstract doodles.

i will try and do something a little more narrative soon. i've been busy.

...the usual friday meeting has been expanded for tomorrow, i suspect that something is very likely to start hitting the fan; so i might get some time to do something tomorrow

Sunday, June 03, 2007

a few robot heads

a few robot heads.

nothing profound, or particularly impressive i'm afraid.

it's been rather busy in the office for the last week or so, all to do with diminishing resources in the team... turns out i'm actually finding myself busy, and i'm having to catch-up on work in meetings - rather than doodling away !

don't worry though, new resource on the horizon...

Monday, May 28, 2007

leaves ?

leaves ?

it was a day long training event, a couple of hundred of us in attendance, and only tepid water at the tables to serve as a distraction... really, what am i expected to do ?

Thursday, May 24, 2007

cute little giant robot

cute little giant robot.

i think that it was probably time for a robot doodle.

this little fella was probably just a bit too cute for inclusion on the crush all humans blog.

maybe some screaming hourdes would've helped.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

not so much a meeting doodle

not so much a meeting doodle, but rather a 'stuck on the 'phone for half an hour to 'customer services' doodle'.

i finally triumphed, i might add, but lord oh lord those call-centre monkeys are hard work.

...i was much more helpful when i was a call-centre monkey, i can promise you that !

Friday, May 18, 2007

some kind of tick i think

some kind of tick i think, or an alien, or a spider with a large head... i'm not really sure about the subject matter - but like all good unexpected spontaneous doodles, i like this one a lot.

and once again the feathering takes me back to the good ol' days of art school.

Thursday, May 17, 2007


trick-or-treaters marauding down the margin of my page !

now this was a funny one. ordinarily i know when the doodles will hit me, or i have a pretty good idea at least.

you know how it is - you're walking to a meeting that you know is going to last a few hours, with more than half a dozen invitees who enjoy the sound of their own voices more than they would that of their chosen diety calling down to them from on-high... you know you might squeeze out a few doodles today.

however, today i rush to a meeting of sorts with two others, close proximity and little chance to merge into the background and 'phase out' to scribble away quietly to myself. and yet several doodles still managed to appear.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

at last, the doodler translated into jive !

at last, the doodler translated into jive ! click here

doodle fast, and leave a beautiful copse

doodle fast, and leave a beautiful copse

...oh dear, and i think i'm funny.

try and tell yourself that my motivation for this doodle was anything other than the thought that "i've got a nice green highlighter back at my desk", and i'll laugh in your face like a crazy fool.

Monday, May 14, 2007

bold linear image

bold linear image, that's the best description i can come up with.

i can see a little aztec / sun god riff here, i can also see a little of a german expressionist who's work i've enjoyed; i guess i can even see a little image of a bold red sunset.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

alien skull and medusa mask

alien skull and medusa mask, together at last.

as i may have mentioned in previous posts - a VERY dull training session.

these are both rather odd, though.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

a cowboy bar of soap

a cowboy bar of soap

i mean, sure, it was a VERY dull training session - the facilitator desperately trying to engage the interest/enthusiasm of the singularly un-engaged group sitting across the room from her - but i ask you... a cowboy bar of soap ?

Friday, May 11, 2007

superhero vs tentacle creature

superhero vs tentacle creature

sufficed to say that this is one of a several doodles from a very VERY dull training session that i attended yesterday.

it might even be worth a click on the image to see the frustration in the penstrokes !!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

a strange alien pod thingy

a strange alien pod thingy, i guess.

i do like the brightness of this one; like the image of the little guy in his yellow pod surrounded by/supported on red tendrils.

this might come up again.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

merchandise alert !

merchandise alert !

check out the link to the right, snappily entitled 'Shop Meeting Doodler!'.

wear the doodles and spread the word !

and if you have any favourites that you'd like to see on there, or have any specific merchandise requests, then drop me a line and i'll see what i can do.

Monday, May 07, 2007

bovine alien abduction

bovine alien abduction

just a little corner doodle to amuse you for the short working week to come.

it's happened before, on those friday meetings, that my hand starts to produce an abduction scenario...

draw (no pun intended) your own conclusions !!!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

a chalk outline

a chalk outline, looks like it's being investigated by a familiar looking fella with a kiss-curl.

i guess there's probably a connection with some residual image from the 'bruce wayne: murderer' comics, so apologies if i look like a plagiarist.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

son of space squid

son of space squid !

yep, it's been a little while since we had a space squid - and a little rocket in peril too, to add to the drama of the piece.

with this much scribbling i think that the others around the table must've thought i was taking notes like crazy.

yeah... crazy like a fox !!!

Friday, May 04, 2007

pointy-headed uni-wheel guys

pointy-headed uni-wheel guys.

not sure where or why they came from, but i do like these fellas.

i have the usual friday meeting tomorrow, maybe we'll try a crowd scene ?

Thursday, May 03, 2007

another floral affair

another floral affair, some little superheroes and an odd stripey crocodile.

just another day in the office.

Monday, April 30, 2007

just a little one

just a little one today.

the office move is over now, so hopefully back to normal soon.

annoyingly had a meeting on friday, but were all sat too close together to manage to do anything usable.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

robots, robots, robots

robots, robots, robots

we're in the throes of an office move here at work, and what should i find on someone else's desk but an old pad of mine.

so here's an old doodle, a tad rococo i feel, but to be fair i remember the meeting vividly - it was long and rather pointless.

Friday, April 13, 2007

family fun

family fun on the horizon.

we're off for a week away... but don't lose faith in the meeting doodler blog.

check back in ten days, and i should have some more stuff to post.

don't forget, absence makes the heart grow fonder !

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

a crazy voodoo image

a crazy voodoo image

just enjoying the new pen here, really liking the quality of line - i like the flattened quality that a clean black line can give.

this witch-doctor type mask looked like it would become a robot doodle, but then wavy arms made things take an entirely different path.

the candle was a mistake, though

a superhero battle

a superhero battle raging in the margins of my oh-so-riveting schedule printout.

this is a lovely introduction to the lovely new pen given to me by the lovely lady s; in actual fact it's one of her cast-offs, but it'll do nicely thank you. very nice to write and, more importantly doodle, with.

it's a uniball signo 0.7 for anyone who's interested in that kind of thing.

and, of course, every highlighter colour that i could find in the pathetic metal cabinet that passes for a stationery cupboard in my office.

hmm, note to self, 'must do horizontal doodles, must do horizontal doodles, must do horizontal doodles' .

horizontal doodle = less of my inane verbiage

Sunday, April 08, 2007

zombie guy

zombie guy... with and without ipod

not too pleased with the cheap new pad that i've acquired, you can clearly see what's written on the other side of the page !

i suspect we'll see more of the zombie...

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

some kind of superhero search party

some kind of superhero search party

five minutes, a post-it and some highlighters later and look what a bored office worker can produce.

the 'superheroes in the middle-distance, looking on' theme seems to be developing, along with the old favourites of rocket ships and robots...

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Friday, March 30, 2007

alien attack !!!

alien attack !!!

in my regular friday meeting i'm fast becoming the pain-in-the-arse guy who asks questions that maybe others don't want to, or feel that they shouldn't have to.

in many ways it feels a little like i'm pointing out that the bloke on the throne up there is naked as the day he was born.

so i suppose that explains the lone schmuck in the doodle being set upon by a herd of marauding beak-mouthed aliens...

but today was a good day, today they listened to the schmuck

Thursday, March 29, 2007

alien totem pole!

alien totem pole !

now this really did grow from nowhere, this grew from a relatively brief meeting about the department's office move about 1 mile down the road.

i guess the implied narrative is something along the lines of a charlton heston "god damn you all to hell!" moment - remnants of an old culture covered by the sands of time - viewed by a detached onlooker in this case...

it's not so divorced from the meeting in question after all !

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

a spacewalk

a spacewalk; the first comment from s on this one was something along the lines of "you're colouring them in now ?"

...and she does have a point. to clarify - i don't take packs of highlighters into meetings; doodles like this will tend to be at my desk (phone calls, waiting for something to finish running on the pc, etc.)

i have a headache now from the fumes off the highlighters/whiteboard markers... i suffer for this blog !

Saturday, March 24, 2007

some kind of dinosaur head

some kind of dinosaur head, which amused me during a 90 minute friday afternoon meeting (and they expect me to pay attention !!!)

the coffee was rotten, and the biscuits were kept at the other end of the table (too conspicuous to get up and reach over for some during the various updates and discussion points)

still one of my favourite meetings because it's an ongoing exercise in arse-covering; these guys have messed-up good, and are desperately trying to save face by doing some serious last minute maneouvering.

Friday, March 23, 2007

disembodied head

disembodied head licked by flames from above and below.

i like this one, not sure why i like it so much... there was a point where the face was going to transform into one of the key figures from 'les demoiselles d'avignon'.

i'm glad it didn't.

a spikey abstract thingy

a spikey abstract thingy

...which i'm really liking, actually.

reminds me, in many ways, of some of the very first pieces of work that i produced at art school

...although i guess that the success of those early pieces is made desperately clear by the fact that i'm stuck in tedious meetings every bloody day with an itchy biro hand.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

a couple of rampaging robots

a couple of rampaging robots this time.

we have a robot-as-king kong affair on the left; and above we have an odd looking guy pulling a boat from the treacherous sea.

both from the same meeting last week.